My latest book "Backend Developer in 30 Days" is out! You can get it at Amazon
Pedro Marquez

Written by Pedro Marquez who lives and works in Austin, Texas, doing all things front-end (and some back-end too).

A hero image for this post about Java Futures.

New book: "Backend Developer in 30 Days"

August 16, 2022

My first book is now for sale! You can find it in Amazon or in (links in bio).

"Acquire Skills on API Designing, Data Management, Application Testing, Deployment, Security and Performance Optimization"

A hero image for this post about Java Futures.

Easy parallelism and multi-threading with Java's CompletableFuture

August 06, 2022

In this post, we improve application performance by making multiple parallel requests to a REST API

A hero image for this post about state management

Building a dark-mode theme with CSS variables

July 29, 2022

Native CSS variables make it really easy to build themes for a web app, including 'dark mode'

In this post we describe how to enable themes with just CSS and HTML, no dependencies needed.

A hero image for this post about state management

Managing state in Flutter apps with data streaming

July 18, 2022

Managing state in a Flutter app using data streams and a service locator

Hero image for the post

Weird behavior for matrix created with Array.fill()

July 04, 2019

I tried to initialize a two-dimension array with Array.fill() and now weird stuff is happening when I use it. Why??